Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Book Review: The Shack

The third book I read over the Christmas vacation was The Shack. It was absolutely amazing. Brandi read it first and then spilled coffee on it, but it was great. I started reading it first thing in the morning and was a little hesitant to embrace it. The writing critic in me was coming out and I was complaining about how the book didn't really hook me at first and was slow to develop, but not long into it I was hooked and then didn't stop until I finished which was only later that night. I seriously couldn't put it down. Brandi had the opposite experience where she was hit with concepts that she felt were so heavy she needed time to digest them. It will certainly spark some conversation if you consider the subtle and not-so-subtle implications. In a word it was moving. I highly recommend it!!!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Book Review: Bold Fresh

Ok so I love politics. I hate it also but I can't seem to get enough of it so I find myself in a paradoxical position of being fond of something that also makes me mad. That said I enjoy Bill O'Rielly above all others on regular news programs. I find him honest and fair in his analysis. There are things he dislikes to be sure and he makes that known on his program but he allows others to say their perspective in spite of his own position. So my mother gave me some of his books for Christmas knowing both my affinity for books and passion for politics. On of them was Bold Fresh Piece of Humanity. It was good. I had even more respect for the man after the book because he truely is a man of principle and it shows in his show and his life story. It wasn't an autobiography in the classic (chronilogical) sense, but rather thematic. He worked through issues that we see face on a regular basis and how he responded to them in his life. Besides all that, he is funny. I mean, sometimes he is really funny. It was an enjoyable read and in a way inspiring. Thanks for the book mom.