Sunday, March 15, 2009


I sent my second manuscript to a publisher which I would love to see publish my work and I was rejected! It hurt a little. I have faith in my work. Several people I trust to be honest and subjective affirmed its worth to me, but alas, rejection. Sometimes I feel like it is good. After all it is really only a minor setback. Some authors have been rejected many times. My next move is to look for an agent. I am not really excited about that prospect, but apparently that is the way to do things in our modern world. It might work out well, but I am nervous. How do I know if the agent is looking out for me? Are they working for me or I for them? Too many questions. I guess I will just have to trust that it will work out. Here’s hoping…

As for being rejected, I’m a big boy. I am reenergized to reread once more in an effort to improve my work. I also have written a few chapters of the Sureshot 3. After that I have to begin serious work on some of my other ideas, or I will have a list of projects that will never get written. It is good to be reminded that I have not yet arrived and that it is not about me, but what my work can bring to the world, and more importantly to God. I have committed my writing to him… and it is good to remember that. It cannot be about me or it will not work out. That is where I am at.


Brandi said...
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Brandi said...

What a blessing you are! I am constantly amazed at the strong man of God you have grown into, not to mention the fact that you are a BOSS husband! (a little Juno for ya, 'cause I know how much you loved that film) ;) Please stay encouraged by the fact that you are a GREAT writer and all things will work together to the glory of God. Tate doesn't even know what they passed up on. Tuck that rejection letter away, one day you'll pull it out and will I. (P.S. the previous post had too many typos, you know I'm the spelling Nazi...but a terrible typist.)