Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas Vacation

With a few days off hopefully I can get some writing done. I have a few things on the agenda. I have to write the Easter program before I go back. I have a few things in mind so it should only take a couple days. I would like to finish a short story I started about Pinocchio or more specifically his conscience Jiminy Cricket. My kids have been watching it lately and he is the crappiest conscience ever, and yet he got a medal. So I decided to write a story about his performance review. It is fun. Also I would love to continue writing a story I started this year. I have about half a dozen working titles, but it has zombies. Very fun. Oh and the ever popular vampires. I know I've been playing too much Resident Evil. Lastly, I have new motivation to write the final Sureshot installment. I have the plot pretty much worked out I only need to get it done. Of course I would love to get the second one in print before that but I can only control so much. Searching for agents is on my list of things to work on as well. Shot I just realized that I only have two more weeks until school is back in session. I better get started.

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