Thursday, December 31, 2009

Reflection on 2009

With 2009 closing I have a lot of things to think about. This year it was my goal to secure an agent. Mission failed. While at times I temporarily gave up so as to not be over depressed about rejection, I still hoped to find someone willing to represent me. I am still confident that I will be a full time writer, that I will find a publisher for Sureshot the Assassin and that I will have a long and successful writing career; but not this year. Thumbs down on finding an agent.

I am pleased that I have maintained a blog for this long. At times I have gone a month without a post, but as I look around the net, this seems common. I have managed to continue posting even when no one is reading. If nothing else it is an exercise in perseverance. Thumbs up for the blog.

When it comes to writing I have written a lot this year but not finished anything. This is a little disconcerting because I can't sell anything that isn't finished. I have a number of promising projects, but that's all. Aside from Sureshot the Assassin I have nothing to offer the market. I have to work on that next year. Thumbs down for finished work.

When it comes to a fore mentioned work, Sureshot the Assassin, I am pleased that it has gone through a semi-professional edit and came out better than ever. People who have read it, love it, and I think it is a good piece. Actually that is what frustrates me the most. I have a good book that I can't get anyone who could buy it to even sniff at it. Still, thumbs up on Sureshot the Assassin going through an edit.

Play writing this year was probably my biggest writing accomplishment. I wrote the Easter play "Between two thieves" which went fine, and then the Christmas play "Take me to your Leader" which in my humble opinion, was epic. I continue to get encouragement and motivation to pursue writing. I also have a vague hope of publishing my plays eventually. This in turn could lead to further writing success. So big thumbs up on play writing.

I'm going to stop now while I'm a net thumbs up. Overall, I could have done better, but then I never expected things to be easy. As long as I continue to love writing and have things to write about I will continue to have a positive attitude about it. We'll see what 2010 has in store for me. Prost.

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